Saturday 18 July 2020


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'Tis said that all things must pass, and so it is in the case of secret agent DON STARR's action-packed adventures, which concluded with #43 of TERRIFIC, the final weekly issue of a surprisingly not-popular-enough POWER COMIC periodical of the late '60s.  As most of you will know, Terrific reprinted MARVEL characters in the main, but Don Starr was the exception, being a UK originated strip (perhaps drawn abroad), no doubt designed to give readers a little contrast to the superhero tales in the rest of the comic.

At the same time Don Starr ended, so too did JOHNNY FUTURE, another UK produced strip appearing in the pages of FANTASTIC, Terrific's stablemate alongside WHAM!, SMASH!, and POW!  The following week, #52 of Fantastic Incorporating Terrific appeared, but 'twas only fated to last another 37 issues before it bit the dust - being merged into Smash! before that comic was revamped and relaunched in March '69 without a Marvel reprint in sight.

So here it is - daring Don's very last appearance before being consigned to comics limbo, never to be seen again (as far as I know) until being 'resurrected' by Crivens for your rabid reading pleasure.  However, once again, his time has come and gone, so let's bid Don an affectionate farewell as he returns to the mists of history.  Alas, as said at the start of this post - all things must pass - and that includes poor ol' Don. 


  1. Any chance you have the 2 pages of experiment x from issue 52 of Pow?

  2. Just dug out my loose issues to check - would you believe that I've got 51 & 53, but 52 is missing. I'll have to buy it at some stage to fill the gap, so check back here in the future from time-to-time to see if I get it.


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