Saturday 18 July 2020


Just a wee reminder that a handful of free copies of the above CD are available to anyone who wants one.  First come, first served, one per person.  If you had the original single back in the '60s, now's the chance to recapture a little slice of your childhood.  Just leave your address in the comments section (it won't be published, given or sold to anyone else, or used for any other purpose - plus it'll be deleted from my files afterwards) and I'll get one in the post to you at the earliest opportunity.

You've nothing to lose and a CD to gain - so what're you waiting for?

(Update: They've all gone now, alas.)


  1. Note to Fred K - I'll get one in the post to you in the next couple of days.

  2. Thanks for the kind comments about the blog, FK. I haven't printed it so that no one can work out your location from the postcode.

  3. Thanks for the CD. It looks amazing. Lovely handwriting on the envelope too...

  4. My pleasure, FK. Hopefully it sounds okay too.

  5. I'll get one in the post today or tomorrow, Hucky.

  6. Should've turned up last Friday or Saturday, H - has it arrived yet?

  7. Brian Vermeer, yup, I'll send you one. Which country? Apologies, I accidentally published your address, but deleted it immediately, so hopefully not too many people saw it.

  8. Three discs sent out (one to America) and only one (Fred) bothered to say thanks when it arrived, so I've no way of knowing whether the other two turned up or not.


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