Friday 26 June 2020


Copyright DC COMICS

For all those collecting the DC Facsimile EditionsDETECTIVE COMICS #475 is now available, though for some reason the page margins seem slightly larger than before, resulting in a smaller image on each page.  That aside, it's another classic issue that's well-worth having, either to replace your long-gone original copy, or because you didn't buy it back in the day.  (There's no excuse - unless you weren't born then, that is.)  Grab one while they're going.


  1. I have an original, so i probably wont bother, although its a fantastic story & art, the Jokers grinning fish, or maybe i will, as it is so great, as i recall its in 2 parts?..are both in one issue?

  2. I'll have to re-read it to be sure whether it's a complete story, though the last page seems to hint at something to come. However, there's no 'the end' or 'next ish' blurb to clue the reader in at a glance.

  3. I loved that Marshall Roger's etc series and used to have them all but for some reason got rid of them so I'll be picking this up I would love DC to do a facsimilie of Roger's Mr Miracle as well that was one if my favourite series back in the day .

  4. I can't recall if I ever read that particular series, McS - I'd have to see it to prompt my memory one way or the other. Did you ever see the Steve Rude one-shot Mister Miracle Special?

  5. Hi yes I have that Steve Rude issue somewhere in the loft.

  6. The story's nothing great, but Rude's art is always worth a look.

  7. BTW Kid, have you seen the Steve Rude documentary (on Amazon Prime if you have it)? Quite a 'complicated' guy it seems, not what I was expecting at all (whereas David Mazzucchelli who, on reading Rubber Blanket I assumed might be a bit dour seems really upbeat from his teaching video on Youtube!).

  8. Haven't seen it, V&S, and don't have Amazon Prime (had it on a trial period, but never used it), but I'll see if it's on YouTube. Jim Shooter has some interesting things to say about Steve Rude - you can find the link to his site in my blog list. Once there, type Steve Rude into his search box.


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