Thursday 14 May 2020


I've recently been digging through some boxes and found yet another item in my SUGAR PUFFS HONEY MONSTER collection.  This time around it's a yo-yo, which I acquired back in 1983 in response to a special offer by QUAKER OATS, when ol' Honey was still owned by the aforementioned company.  I've still got the envelope it arrived in, plus the cellophane bag (not shown) that contained it, as I always find it difficult to throw anything away.  More Honey Monster collectables as and when I find them, Crivs.


  1. I Loved Cereal Give Away's Got A Few Myself, No Honey Monster Stuff, but Tooley Birds (i Think they are Called) Some Totem Pole Characters, Crater Critters ( My faves)a Pertwee cereal Box (Nice Copy) And set of original Badges Got most of the early 90's Anderson ones too and Star Trek next gen, Did have lots of JP but i flogged them on the E Bay.
    Nothing at all to buy in cereal boxes now, just dull bland things, i haven't seen a good Cereal Box promotion in years.

  2. Yeah, most of the cereal giveaways were great, weren't they? I've got the Sooty figures, Crater Critters, King Neptune & His Seabed Serenaders, and TB2 & TB4, plus the Atomic Diving Submarine. Probably got some others too.


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