Tuesday 12 May 2020


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Only two more episodes to go before this story draws to a conclusion, Crivs, but it'll be followed by a six-part adventure wherein DON STARR has an APPOINTMENT With Mr. BIG.  So that's another blast from the past that most of you can look forward to ignoring - if my blog stats on Don's current escapade are anything to go by.  There have been reprints of strips from four of the five POWER COMICS (WHAM!, SMASH!, POW!, and FANTASTIC) recently, so it would be good if TERRIFIC was accorded the same honour, and Starr's stories were re-presented in a modest softcover volume to a modern audience.  I've already got all the episodes in their original issues, but I'd still buy a nice new collected edition.  Anyway, to the handful of readers who are following this strip, enjoy this latest development. 

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