Tuesday 26 May 2020



Just a little reminder for all you oldies out there that the SMASH! Special is due out tomorrow (27th) and can be ordered at this link.  I see that REBELLION is using a logo based on one that only ever appeared once before, on the last ever Smash! Annual for 1976.  (Just threw that in for all those Crivvies who are interested in such trivia.)

Aside from CURSITOR DOOM, none of the characters in the new Special ever actually appeared* in either the original or revamped version of Smash!, though there's a (tenuous but very welcome) connection in JOHNNY FUTURE, who appeared in FANTASTIC back in the '60s before the comic was eventually subsumed into Smash! in 1968 (though JF had been gone for 38 issues by the time that happened).

Anyway, unsurprisingly, I've already ordered a couple of issues and just can't wait for them to arrive.  If you remember Smash! from your childhood (and if you can, you're ancient) then you might like to do the same.  ('Youngsters' are also advised to buy a copy.)  Click on that above link now!  And below is the cover of the '76 Annual for you to compare the logos.

(*I suppose you could argue the point seeing as Smash! was merged into VALIANT [becoming Valiant & Smash!] and The STEEL CLAW was a Valiant character, though I'm not 100% sure whether he ever appeared in the combined title and I'm too lazy to check.  I think he might have done though.) 


  1. Of all the specials this is the one I am most looking forward to as SMASH was may favourite comic then Lion and Valliant so its all pretty much covered for me with the characters.

  2. I like the fact that Rebellion have given a nod to Fantastic and Terrific by giving them a 'mention'. on the cover, McS. I wonder if we'll ever see a Wham! or Pow! Special - wouldn't that be good?

    Here's an idea for you. You once said you'd do a guest post for Crivens, so why not write a review of this Special when you've read it, and I'll publish it on the blog? You can let me know.

  3. I'll certainly give it a go Kid once I get my copy.

  4. I'm hoping that mine will arrive by Saturday at the latest, but it might be Monday. Can't wait. Guys our age shouldn't be wishing our lives away like this, should we?

  5. You can call me ancient. I had Smash from No 1 up until it self destructed. I might grab one too. Hopefully it will bring back some childhood nostalgia.

  6. Mine still hasn't turned up yet, so I'm starting to get worried, LH. If my two copies aren't here by tomorrow, I'm pressing the panic button.


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