Tuesday 26 May 2020



My black and white variant edition of CAPTAIN AMERICA #601 turned up today, and for the £2.50 it cost me (plus £1.40 for p&p) it was an absolute steal - especially as it came in a firm cardboard mailer that would have made it difficult for even The A-TEAM to damage.  And the mag's in practically pristine condition.

Instead of just adding the b&w images to the other post, I've decided that they deserve a post of their own, so here they are.  I'll maybe add them to the first post later, as well as add the colour pages to this one so that new readers in the future won't have to jump between posts to compare the difference, but for now, GENE COLAN's pencilled pages will suffice.

So below, in their 'before' stage, are the same pages that DEAN WHITE coloured in the previous version of this comic that I showed you.  Here's a link to that other post for your convenience until I revise (if I do) both posts.  So - which ones do you prefer - the colour pages or the 'black and white'?  (More like grey, I'd say.)

This variant edition of the mag also contains ED BRUBAKER's script, so here's a little taste of it so that you can compare his panel descriptions to what Gene drew. 


  1. I always liked Genes black and white work so it would have been nice to see this all inked up etc in black and white. The pencils look very detailed , almost up to his usual high standard.

  2. Not bad for a near-blind 82 year-old, eh, McS? It would've been nice to see them inked by Tom Palmer in another variant edition.

  3. I'm a little surprised that the script is full script. Gene loved the Marvel Method but I guess everyone was drawing from full script at this time. Plus, at 82 full script kept was probably easier for Gene at this time.

  4. I think that some writers like a little more say in how the finished product looks than others, M, so that might also account for the full script in this instance. I'm surprised I missed this issue at the time, but I'm glad to have it (and its colour version) now.

  5. Beautiful!

    I always love seeing Colan's pencilled strips like Detective, Inc. (inc sans ink - who's the joker?)

    I had no clue he'd done this. Thanks for making me aware.

  6. Definitely one to have, 3, plus the colour version too. If this really was Gene's last work for Marvel, I'd say it's definitely a collectors' item.


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