Tuesday 5 May 2020



Received my brand-new The COMPLETE JOHNNY FUTURE hardback book from REBELLION's TREASURY Of BRITISH COMICS today, and immediately felt my heart sink when I saw the dunted corners on the thin and flimsy cardboard envelope it came in.  As I'd suspected, two corners were noticeably dunted, and I feel it should behove Rebellion to send their books in sturdier protective cardboard mailers to prevent this kind of damage.

However, there was worse to come.  When I opened the cover, the two facing pages of the double-page 'frontispiece' were stuck together at the corners, and when I managed to separate them, it was only to discover that the corner of the board page was folded underneath and stuck to the board.  It was quite a large area of around two and a half by one and a half inches, so it's not exactly a minor fault.

What's worse, although I contacted Rebellion immediately, I notice that the book is now listed as being out of stock, so I ordered another one from AMAZON.  Thing is, it was always my intention to buy two copies, so I still need a replacement for the damaged one.  I've had a few problems before with the way Rebellion wrap their books, what with corners of softcovers being bent backwards or edges peeling away from the cover after catching on the opening of their thin cardboard envelopes while being placed inside.

It's a shame, because the overall standard of their books is otherwise excellent, but they need to lift their game when it comes to quality-control and using packaging that's fit for purpose.  Anyway, this book is one to have, so if you can find a copy, buy it immediately and hope you don't encounter any of the problems that I did.  I should add that Rebellion usually do their best to rectify such matters, but given my level of disappointment in receiving yet another damaged book from them, I wish they'd focus on ensuring that these kind of things didn't happen to begin with.

However, to end on a positive note, top marks to Rebellion for the nostalgic nod to the POWER COMIC symbol on the cover.

(Update: I should add that Rebellion now send me any books I order in far sturdier packaging and are extremely quick in replacing any that have slipped through the net with flaws or imperfections, so well done them.)


  1. Have to admit that is pretty poor of them.

  2. You're telling me, McS. THE book I've been wishing my life away for years and then this happens. I just hope that Amazon know how to wrap moderately heavy books better than Rebellion do. What's more, the Amazon price is cheaper and postage is free.

  3. You don't get that problem with e-books.

    Kid, if you're interested (and I'm sure you are), Marvel is releasing a new collection of Conan The Barbarian #1-13 in June. I suppose this is to celebrate the 50th anniversary of CTB #1 coming up soon. The e-book release is June 10th so I suppose the physical edition will be out then too.

  4. True, but neither do you get the joy of sniffing the paper or appreciating the unique aesthetic beauty of a physical, tangible comicbook, CS. Is the book you're talking about the Epic Collection of the Thomas & Smith tales? I'll be having that!

  5. Philip Crawley7 May 2020 at 03:35

    It's always unfortunate when items turn up and have not been protected from the rigors of the postal system, as I too have had experience of over the years. More than one Dinosaur model has had the glue taken to loose or broken limbs or tail.

    As I buy a lot of used and ex-library books (only way I can afford some titles) I am used to those having some damage, within reason, but you expect something new to turn up in good nick, considering the price of some niche titles as this would be. It is also an unfortunate fact of life that making repairs to the item yourself is usually easier than a lot of back and forth with the seller and no guaranteed satisfactory outcome to that hassle.

    Not sure where I'd find the JF collection, not having a great track record in relation to Amazon and Australia (many titles they won't send here!), but it's a moot point just now as I have been stood down from work with no income for the last six weeks and await government assistance, as a result of the pandemic. Timing eh.

  6. First of all, sad to hear about the job, PC, and hope things work out okay for you in that department. Regarding the JF book, it must be one of their fastest sellers if it's already out of stock, and I suspect that's down to bulk buying by shops rather than just individual purchases, so maybe some comic shops in Australia have it available. Might be worth trying once you're earning a steady income again. It really is a nice book, though there seems to be a couple of typos in Luis Bermejo's biog at the back. I've only got two stories to read, so I'm off to finish them over a Turkish Delight and a glass of cola. Stay safe.

  7. Should just say that though the Amazon seller says that postage is free, Amazon Prime charge £7.99 for delivery, so that has to be factored in too. I didn't know about this charge at the time, having received free membership to Amazon Prime for a limited period a while back, but I cancelled before it switched to a paying account, so something clearly went wrong.


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