Wednesday 6 May 2020



Assuming that any of you are even remotely interested in this, I thought I'd show you the work I did on my damaged The COMPLETE JOHNNY FUTURE volume I received yesterday.  I'll show the previous pics I took of its imperfections alongside my 'repairs', which I decided to undertake as REBELLION didn't reply to my emails about a replacement.  (Which is an unlikely possibility as they're now out of stock.)  I knew that my options were limited as the interior damaged areas were too prominent to just 'paint' over, so I took the decision to cover them.

I ironed out the crease of the folded-under corner (after unfolding it and pasting it into its proper position, and then applied a name label over it to cover the offending flaw.  On the opposite page, I removed as much of the superfluous glue and card-fluff as I could, then pasted a picture of the cover to FANTASTIC #1 over the area, which I thought was a nice nod to the strip's origins.

As for the dunts on the cover, I repaired the back one (not shown) quite easily with the careful application of a hot iron over a double-sheet of brown paper, then did the same for the one on the front.  You can still see a hint of it in the 'after' photo below, but thankfully it's far less prominent than it was.  (And it's almost invisible in the pic that heads this post.)

Obviously, I'd have much preferred not to have had to do anything, but the book is now 'personalised' and, cosmetically, far better than the state it was in when I received it.  I can no longer return it to Rebellion, but I'll be contacting them about a partial refund to take account of it being damaged - before and after it left their warehouse.  The copy I ordered from AMAZON is scheduled to turn up tomorrow and hopefully it'll be perfect, which means I'll have a pristine copy, as well as a reading copy.  It's such a good book that I may even buy a third copy.

Have you got yours yet?  It's still available as a digital download, though I prefer the print version.

(Update: Rebellion have now been in touch, so I'll keep you informed of what happens.  Watch this space.  Oh, and they'll be replenishing their stock of the book soon.)


  1. Nice work, but as you say it shouldn't be needed if companies would package more securely. Hoping they offer some kind of recompense


  2. I've just received my copy from Amazon, TG, but although there was no damage inflicted on its journey through the post due to being suitably packaged, there's creasing to the laminate on the cover. This is undoubtedly the way it left the printer's, so it seems it's going to be more difficult for me to get a perfect copy than I thought.


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