Monday 11 May 2020



I'm still waiting for a stack of Facsimile Editions and True Believers issues which have been held up because of the current 'situation', but thankfully four of them turned up today.  Two DC ones and two MARVEL ones, so there's balance for you.  The MIGHTY THOR #229 facsimile repeats an advert page in place of the BULLPEN BULLETINS page, which just might be deliberate because of concerns over a prominent announcement about Marvel's then-new photo-profile magazine devoted to HITLER.  (However, being fearless, I've reproduced the page below so that you can see what you're missing, alongside its repeated replacement.)

Facsimile and original - side-by-side

The other three issues are DETECTIVE COMICS #38, The BRAVE And The BOLD #28 (this version is much less expensive than the Loot Crate one I acquired a few months back), and The INCREDIBLE HULK #182, completing the story in which WOLVERINE made his first appearance in the Marvel Universe, which began at the end of #180.  Anyway, tell you what - instead of me blabbing on about them, why don't I just shut up and let all you Crivs get on with gaping at the cataclysmic covers?  You'd like that?  Okay, then get stuck in.

Copyright DC COMICS

Copyright DC COMICS


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