Monday 11 May 2020


Sultry HUDSON LEICK does a bang-on
impression of Dr. STRANGE - right down to
the STEVE DITKO hand-gestures.  (Admit it -
that was a clever way of combining the topics
 of babes and comicbooks in one post.)


  1. Hudson Leick! The hottest woman on television in the late 1990's!

    I've never seen her outside of Hercules and Xena. I see from Wikipedia that she appeared in a few films. Did she ever have the lead role?

  2. Topps published a three-issue Xena vs. Callisto comic book mini-series in 1998, and, IIRC, Callisto appeared at least once in Dynamite's 2006 Xena comic book series. So there is a comics connection.

    I liked Hudson as Callisto and Lucy Lawless as Xena. And Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman. I like being aroused and terrified at the same time.

  3. Don't know about movies, but she's had the lead role in quite a few of my fantasies, MH.


    Surely you like Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman too, TC? Lucy Lawless was in the end credits of the first Spider-Man movie, but her scenes must've ended up on the cutting room floor as, unless she's in a crowd shot, she's nowhere to be seen.

  4. You missed Lucy Lawless in "Spider-Man"? Shame on you, Kid! When I saw her in the cinema I bounced up and down on my seat in delight. She's one of the people being interviewed on the street. I just found the scene online.

  5. Lucy Lawless appears about half way through Spiderman in a scene where New Yorkers are talking about Spiderman, she is unrecognisable as a punk girl in a red wig (I assume) and only has a few words to say.her 3 second scene is on you tube.

  6. Don't remember seeing that scene in the cinema. Wonder if it was added to the DVD version? How could I miss Lucy Lawless?

  7. She looks nothing like she appears in Xena in the Spidey film so maybe that's why.

  8. Very possibly, McS, but I recognise her in the YouTube clip, so I'm wondering why I didn't in the cinema. Weird.


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