Thursday 9 April 2020



Currently available to buy from The TREASURY Of BRITISH COMICS website shop is The INCREDIBLE ADVENTURES Of JANUS STARK Volume II, collecting the strips of the Victorian escapologist (formerly known as JONAS CLARKE), originally published weekly in the revamped SMASH! in the late '60s/early '70s.  These stories were among Britain's finest comic strips of the period, and they still hold up astoundingly well today, 50 years later.  New as well as old readers are bound to be highly entertained by them, and you can still obtain the first book from the same source.  Buy 'em both today!  And roll on Volume III.


(Y'know, I've always thought that if Janus had a squarer-shaped head, he'd be almost the double of the early SUB-MARINER.  Whaddya think?)

1 comment:

  1. For some curious reason, we're both of the same mind on that. Now why could that be?


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