Wednesday 8 April 2020


Feminists perplex me.  Remember when they waged all-out war on Page 3, saying that it was demeaning to women and defined them as mere sex objects?  Forget about male strippers like the CHIPPENDALES, or TV ads with the DIET COKE bloke getting his shirt off and the guy in the laundrette getting down to his boxers, 'cos seemingly it's all right for women to 'objectify' men, just not the other way around.

At the same time, these feminists (among others) were calling for the right to get their swimming cozzies off on the beach or to get their baps out in public to breastfeed weans ('cos of course that's all 'natural'), but if a man were to let his gaze fall upon a picture of a topless woman in a newspaper with an appreciative glint in his eye, then he was a dirty perv who deserved to be castrated.  Basically, what they're saying is that it's all right for women to get their tits out as long as it's on their own terms, and men's natural appreciation of a bit of nip shouldn't figure into the equation.

Back in the 1970s, teenage girls had posters of DONNY OSMONDDAVID CASSIDY, CLIFF RICHARDDAVID BOWIE, etc., adorning their bedroom walls, swooning and lusting after their (to my eyes) girly-looking pop idols, and no objections were ever heard about that from feminists.  However, young lads with pin-up posters of FARRAH FAWCETT or LYNDSAY WAGNER on their walls were condemned as future perverts, flashers, or rapists.  Talk about double-standards.  Seems it's only when guys appreciate the opposite sex that it's considered wrong.

I'll tell you who's worse - male feminists!  Don't be fooled by their seeming espousal of the sisterhood's cause, because all they're trying to do is ingratiate themselves with women in a pathetic attempt to gain approval and increase their chances of invading female underwear. They're traitors to their gender purely out of self-interest, and their toadying sycophancy is loathsome.

Well, I for one am fed-up with it and I intend to to lead a rebellion against such misandric double-standards.  Who's with me on this?  Men, stand up for yourselves and register your protest here today.  Raise your hands to show your support...

Hey, where'd all the men go?  (Wusses!)


  1. Lots of visits, no comments. You're too scared to touch this one, ain't ya? Maybe frightened that your wives or girlfriends might read what you say, or waiting to see if anyone else is brave enough to respond first. Go on, take the plunge.

  2. Third wave feminism is all about professional activists and politicians who need an issue to justify their sinecures.

    So they campaign against a nonexistant "patriarchy" and demand rights that they already have (e.g., equal pay for equal work).

    The goal is not equal rights, but to be perceived as victims of oppression. Because, in modern first world society, victimhood can be redeemed for cash and prizes.

    And, yeah, the femboys are just sucking up to the feminazis in the hope of getting some.

  3. Sadly, all too true, TC. It's reassuring to know that there are people like yourself who recognise the situation for what it is. Those kind of feminists won't be happy until all men are completely under the thumb and too afraid to even fart without a woman's permission.

  4. Pin - ups of Cliff Richard?
    Surely some mistake.

  5. Perhaps, but not mine. I wasn't hanging them on my wall.

  6. I had not only Farrah on my walls, but also a fabulous poster reproduction of the warrior-girl in chains from the original HEAVY METAL animated feature. Those were the days.



  7. I used to have one of Charlie's Angels on my wall, but it was when Cheryl Ladd was part of the team, not Farrah. Memories.

  8. I used,to have Julie Ege on my wall. Delicious.... Stuff the feminists..women wanting to be men thats all they are.. We men will always have one thing over the lesbian troublemakers. Ours is real theirs is rubber...

  9. You had Julie Ege on your wall, LH? How did she escape? Couldn't you have settled for a poster of her? (Gosh, I'm on form today.)

  10. In fact Julie Ege should be Babe of the day....

  11. I know a hint when I see one.


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