Saturday 21 March 2020


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Here's a nice little gift that one of my old pals (ROSS) from primary school gave me on Wednesday - the TV TORNADO Annual for 1968 (on sale in '67).  It's not one he's owned since childhood, only having bought it last Friday - presumably specially for me.

Funnily enough, back in 1986 or '87, one of our former classmates (PETE - he and Ross were best pals) gave me his Annual for 1970, so that only leaves the '69 and '70 books to complete the set of four.  Any other old school pals out there who want to fill in the gaps, feel free.

(Update: Too late, I've now got them.  You can't say you didn't have your chance.)


  1. Not familiar with TV Tornado, guess it never made it over here. Was the Magnus, Tarzan and Voyage material Gold Key reprints or new material?

  2. I think the comic was distributed in Australia, PC, because it was by the same publishers as TV21, so if that reached Australia, then TV Tornado likely did too. The Annuals were published by World Distributors, so I'd imagine they were shipped over too, and maybe you just never saw them.

    In this Annual, Magnus, The Phantom, and Flash Gordon look like resized U.S. reprints, but in the weekly comic, Tarzan, The Green Hornet, and Bonanza looked like U.K. drawn strips, though they may have alternated between sources from time to time. I'd have to check the few issues I own to be sure.


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