Saturday 21 March 2020


Seeing lovely LINDA THORSON
with her hair like this makes me wonder if,
instead of being TARA KING, she could've
just assumed the role of EMMA PEEL after
DIANA RIGG left for pastures new.  What
do you say, Crivvies?  Do you think such
 a switcheroo could have worked?


  1. My instinct is to say that Diana Rigg was iconic as Emma Peel, and that the audience would not have accepted another actress in the same role. So having Linda play a different character was, IMHO, the right decision.

    Then again, there have been a lot of different James Bonds, Tarzans, Sherlocks, and Draculas, so you never know.

  2. That's my instinct too, TC - Diana's voice was too distinctive and part of Peel's character, so unless Linda could've captured it to some degree it probably wouldn't have worked. Also, it was already established that Steed's sidekick left with the actress playing her (Honor Blackman as Cathy Gale for example), so it was natural to have Linda as another character. However, when I see her with that long dark hair, I just can't help but wonder if it might've worked if they'd had a lengthy break between series.

  3. I'm really glad they didn't do that, Diana Rigg is far to iconic, even then, for anyone to have taken a switch seriously, I Don't think Brian Clemens would have liked the idea at all. It was much more interesting to have a new Girl Character, even if she wasn't as good, Although some of the Tara King episodes are Fantastic.

  4. It's hard to remember now after so many years, but I think I fancied Linda the most, so I'm glad she played Tara King rather than Emma Peel. However, like I say, I still can't help but wonder when I see her with the long dark hair whether such a switch might've worked.


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