Tuesday 24 March 2020


Copyright relevant owner

One of the problems with these DON STARR pages is that quite a few of them are 'dirty'.  What I mean is that the ink outlines from one page are imprinted on the page facing it when the comic is closed, and sometimes also vice-versa.  It would take hours to clean them up properly, and I don't have the stamina for such an arduous task nowadays, so I've done the best I can without going all out, leaving some ink 'smudges' still visible.  However, they're cleaner than they were, so hopefully the remaining imperfections won't spoil your enjoyment of the strip too much.

Having said that, it doesn't seem very popular with most Crivs, as the visits to each episode has been declining since I revived the strip on the 7th of this month after a few year's break.  To those who complain about their favourite blogs closing all over the place, then you should try supporting them more by visiting regularly and leaving a comment, as I can quite understand why some bloggers give up the ghost when it seems all their efforts are a waste of time.  I did say 'favourite blogs' so that probably leaves Crivens out of the reckoning, but hey - it's a favourite of mine!

Anyway, hopefully you'll enjoy this current episode and return for the next one. 


  1. Brilliant ! "What's that in plain English?" followed by a dictionary definition and "The agent pumps lead."are standout lines. Bring on the next part!

  2. Won't be long, JP. Glad someone likes these strips. Have you looked at the older ones I posted a few years back? Just type Don Starr into the blog's search box.

  3. remember reading this in a bunch of old terrifics I got in a charity shop a few years back. great to see it again.

  4. Hope you got them for a good price, MG.


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