Tuesday 24 March 2020


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Sad to learn that ALBERT UDERZO, co-creator and illustrator (as well as writer after RENE GOSCINNY's death in 1977) of ASTERIX The GAUL, has died of a heart attack in his sleep.  He drew comic strips the way they deserved to be drawn. Thoughts are with his family, friends, and fans.


  1. R.I.P. to a true legend. My childhood would never have been the same without these comics.

  2. A legend indeed. These books are great, aren't they?! Fantastic art and superb stories and characterization.

  3. Absolutely. I meant to add - not just my childhood, these are great books at any age, and even especially when you get older and see how much is packed in there.

    I think I'll take the Mansions of the Gods off the shelf this afternoon...

  4. I re-read the first few several months back. I'll have to check which one I stopped at and resume from there.

  5. I remember struggling to understand the Asterix books in our school library which were in French, a language I failed to grasp. But I remember marvelling over that great artwork by Uderzo.
    Loved the English versions I was later able to buy with my own money.

  6. Funnily enough, I first saw the French versions of Asterix in MY school library, sometime in the early '70s. Like you, I couldn't understand them, but I recognised great artwork when I saw it. A mere couple of years later (as a working man), I bought around 9 or 10 of them from, I think, Boots The Chemists, where I worked at the time. Still got them too, and I've even started buying the same ones again as they've now been 'remastered'.


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