Thursday 5 March 2020



Copyright MARVEL COMICS.  Published by PANINI

The demon called Mephisto has an offer that Deadpool can't refuse – because if he does, the soul of his daughter Ellie will be lost forever!  Don't miss the heart-breaking conclusion of our latest storyline by Skottie Young, Scott Hepburn & Nic Klein!

Plus: The Deadpool Corps are assembled, and their first challenge is that immortal cosmic jerk called the Champion!  By Victor Gischler & Deadpool co-creator Rob Liefeld!

Featuring material first published in Deadpool #15 and Deadpool Corps #1.

On sale Now!




The latest issue of Doctor Who Magazine has a world-exclusive interview with Jo Martin, who guest-starred as the Doctor in Fugitive of the Judoon and The Timeless Children.

Other highlights include: • Ray Holman reveals how he created the costume worn by Jo Martin’s Doctor. • A celebration of ten years of the Eleventh Doctor with new insights from Steven Moffat. • An exclusive preview of The Faceless Ones. • A disc-by-disc guide to the new Season 14 Blu-ray box set. • The second part of an interview with Timothy Combe • The Fact of Fiction continues its epic exploration of The Daleks’ Master Plan. • How to recreate the Fifth Doctor’s costume. • Part One of The Piggybackers, a new comic-strip adventure featuring the Thirteenth Doctor and her friends. • Big Finish previews and reviews, news, prize-winning competitions, The Blogs of Doom and much more!

On sale Now!




The X-Men struggle to contain the Madrox Army, but help may be on the way; Professor X's son Legion is back!  But is he friend or foe?  Not even he's sure!  By Matthew Rosenberg, Ed Brisson, Kelly Thompson & Yildiray Cinar!

Featuring material first published in Uncanny X-Men #2-4.

On sale Now!


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