Monday 13 May 2019



Ever coveted MARVEL FEATURE #1, the debut issue of The DEFENDERS, but were unable (or unwilling) to pay the hefty collectors' item prices for it?  Well, now you can buy this handsome facsimile edition for a few paltry quid.  Still dragging your heels?  Here's a sneak peak inside just to show you what you're missing.  Now, straight 'round to your local comics shop with you, Criv-ites, and say it loud and proud - "Make Mine Marvel (Feature)!"


  1. A brilliant Adams cover, although it took me several years to understand what Dr Strange's mysterious sixth finger really was!

  2. I hadn't noticed so took a look - only to at first wonder what you were referring to. Yes, the crease in his palm - which I saw as a crease in his palm. However, I can see why it might be mistaken for a sixth finger. Funny how some things can be viewed a little ambiguously, eh? When I was a three or four year-old kid, I used to wonder what the feather on Superman's 'S' symbol was for. Took me a while to realise that it was Wayne Boring's way of denoting Supes' chest.


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