Sunday 12 May 2019


I was running about in my BUGS
BUNNY gym shorts earlier, and LYNDA
CARTER stood staring at my manly-man
physique.  "I've never seen a body like yours
before," she said, clearly astounded.  She went
home immediately, obviously needing to cool
off after I set her pulse racing and must have
fallen asleep, 'cos I've been 'phoning her all
day and she hasn't answered.  Guess she's
 in dreamland fantasising about me.


  1. First it's Jeri. Now it's Lynda.. Good heavens .No wonder these poor upset women come to me for comfort. Ann would be the one to keep you under the thumb. Counting the stock of stamp hinges on those cold wintery nights. Rest assured the other two will be well looked after hehhehhehhehheh

  2. Before long you see the Brexit Party name changed to Battleaxe Party.

  3. I'm becoming concerned about you, LH. You must know that you're in the grip of some deluded fantasy. Lynda, Jeri, Salma, etc., are far too busy idolising me to spare you a thought. They worship the ground I walk on, as do most women. Let's face it, when you're as handsome as me, women fling themselves at you. Just the other day, a nubile blonde watched me walking along the street and, as I passed her, she said "Excuse me, your trousers are coming down." My first thought was that I'd forgotten my belt, so I looked down to check. "No they're not," I replied. "Yes they are," she said, "I've made up my mind!" When you've got the sexual charisma that I have, you're spoilt for choice. (What's that, nurse? Time for my medication? Sigh! Okay.)


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