Monday 18 March 2019


Copyright relevant owner

A whopping fifty-four years ago, while holidaying in Rothesay, my mother bought me the above copy of TV CENTURY 21.  Well, not this actual copy - this one's a replacement I bought recently, but in my mind, it's easy to believe that this is the very issue I hold in my young hands in the two photographs below.  I have every single copy of TV21 ever published - but only on a data disc.  However, I do own quite a goodly number of original issues as well (including the first full year's worth), and the disc is only to save me having to scan them individually whenever I want to do a blog post about the title.

However, as there's historical pictorial evidence of my ownership of this number, I decided to put the work in and scan the actual issue, so what you're looking at is my very own copy of TV21.  Still got my own hair and teeth, and I'm gradually reacquiring many of the items I owned as a kid or teenager, which is probably the best way to do things.  After all, it's harder to replace your hair and teeth than it is your other former possessions, so I reckon I'm ahead in the game.  Do you have any photos of your younger self holding a comic or toy that you owned back then?  Tell your fellow Criv-ites all about it in the comments section.


  1. Commando #1134, 'Open Fire.' Published Jan 1977, which seems an odd time of year to be camping in the Lake District, but there you go.

    Also on view, Steve Austin, and pinned to my tracksuit sleeve, a cardboard Moonbase Alpha badge that I cut out of something.

  2. I've got that Steve Austin, OD. However, I'm shocked at the careless way you have that FF Treasury Edition lying around in your cupboard. Don't you know it's a collectors' item? (I've got that too.)

  3. I wish I still had everything in that cupboard. I picked up those Treasury books from American cousins on a visit to New York. I left behind a big plastic 66 Bat mobile that I never collected. Alas, alas...

  4. It'd no doubt be worth a small fortune nowadays, OD. Wish I'd kept all my original toys and comics, but I've managed to replace a great many of them.

  5. OH yes. I had a Beatles Yellow Sugmarine, an UFO Interceptor and a Man from Uncle car. All long gone . We did have an Spectrum SPV which for some reason we took apart and reassembled - so it never worked quite right lol. Still have that one . Should fix it .

  6. Got the Corgi Toys Yellow Submarine and the Man From U.N.C.L.E. car, PS, plus the Dinky SPV. Never had the Dinky UFO Interceptor, but I've got the Product Enterprise one. I don't think your SPV would be difficult to restore to working condition as long as all the internal parts are intact. Go to it.

  7. Not to be too morbid, Kid, but have you given any thought to what will become of your collection when you drop off your perch? Will you ve entombed with it all like the pharaohs of old? Time Team 2150 AD would appreciate it.

  8. I've thought about seeking Lottery funding to start a Museum of Childhood - no children allowed of course, 'cos they'd only break something. Who knows though, maybe my toys and comics will expire before I do (he said, mysteriously).

  9. A Bonfire of the Collectibles? Don't do it! The world needs more plastic stuff!

  10. Or maybe I'll just live so long, my collectables will have perished in the intervening centuries.


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