Monday 18 March 2019


Copyright BBC TV and the Estate of TERRY NATION

Oh, look at what I've got - the figure from The DALEK ORACLE game.  Don't have the game (£400 on eBay at the moment), but I've got the modern release of The MAGIC ROBOT (called The AMAZING ROBOT, but is exactly the same) and once I remember where I put it, I'll see if the Dalek works in the Robot's place.  As with most '60s Dalek merchandise, not 100% accurate as far as the design goes, but still nice to have.  "Exterminate!"

Update: Found my Robot game on top of the wardrobe and tried it out with the Dalek. Unfortunately, though operating on the same basic principle, there are some differences.  The Robot game has 16 questions and answers per sheet, whereas the Dalek game has only 12.  The Robot always points at the answer (on the right-hand side of the sheet) six places away from where the question is located (on the left-hand side), whereas the Dalek points at the answer four places away (on its own sheet), so maybe that has something to do with it.  Having said that, I see that if the answers in the Robot game were swapped with the ones directly opposite each other, then the Dalek would point to the correct answer.  


  1. I absolutely had the magic robot! Never seen the Dalek. That’s probably why it’s socwxpen now.

  2. You'll have to translate that word for me, PS - I can only speak, write and read English. (And some people say I'm rubbish at it.)

    1. Haha that should have been so expensive thanks for nothing iPhone

  3. Ah, the mystery is over. Ta, PS.


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