Thursday 13 December 2018


I've just received a letter from the Bave family, letting me know that TERRY BAVE, one of the UK comics industry's stalwarts (when we had an actual industry), passed away peacefully on December 6th after a short illness.  Terry and his wife Shiela had moved into a residential care home back in May.  The letter says: "Virtually the last thing they said to each other was 'I love you', which after 66 years of marriage is quite an achievement."  Indeed, and it's great that they enjoyed such a happy life together for so long.  

I'm sure that everyone who grew up reading Terry and Shiela's comic strips will be saddened by the news of Terry's passing.  He was a true legend in British comics, and I'm glad to have played a small part (via Crivens) in reuniting him and BOB PAYNTER (IPC group editor of the humour dept.) a year or so ago, after many years of them having lost touch.

Terry's funeral will be on January the 4th.  Raise a glass on the day to his memory, and give thanks for the long line in chuckles that he (and Shiela) provided.


The letter was included with a Christmas card from Shiela, and it was sad to see Terry's name missing for the first time since we started exchanging cards a number of years ago.  Terry used to draw his own cards (and have them printed), and he very kindly sent me the original art to one of them a few years back, which I still have (below).  I sent my own Christmas card to Terry and Shiela around a week ago, either on the day of his passing or the day after, so it's sad that he never saw it.  In fact, I was unaware that they'd moved and sent it to their old address.  I don't know if it would've been forwarded or not, though I hope so, but I'll send another card to Shiela at her new address anyway, just so that she knows that she's being thought of at this sad time.


  1. I always loved Terry's art as a kid. I think the first time I saw his work was on "Baby Whamster" (think that's what it was called apologies if not) but it was his "Sammy Shrink" strip that was my favourite of his, and one of my all time favourite kids strips. Condolences to his family and friends, never easy to lose anyone but they may be comforted to know the joy he gave us all as kids.

  2. Yeah, he drew Baby Whamster for Wham! and Baby Smasher for Smash!, PM, as well as loads of others too numerous to mention. He also drew Ginger's Tum for Whizzer and Chips, and he eventually became the regular artist on many strips that had first been drawn by someone else, becoming more associated with some of them than the original artists. A great loss to the world of comics, a great loss to the world in fact. He was such a nice man, and his wife Shiela is a lovely woman who loves my Scottish accent. As you say, condolences to his family and friends, and they can be assured that Terry will be remembered for a very long time.

  3. Sad news. I can't pretend to be to familiar with Terry's work, but it's always sad to hear of the passing of someone who contributed to the industry which brought so much pleasure to so many of us.

  4. If you read British humour comics in the '60s, '70s, and '80s (even the '90s in fact), you're bound to have seen his work at some time, DS. He drew loads of stuff.


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