Tuesday 11 December 2018


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

Here are some earlier-released TRUE BELIEVERS FANTASTIC FOUR mags to the ones in the previous post, for all those who are interested in acquiring inexpensive reprints of some classic FF tales.  There are some more KIRBY drawn issues on the way, which I'm expecting to receive pretty soon.  I'll post them on the blog the minute I've got my grubby hands on them.  If your local comics shop doesn't have the ones shown here, they should be available on eBay


  1. I first read Reed & Sue's wedding in Fantastic Four Pocket Book No.1 in 1980.

  2. I've still got the ish of that PB I bought back then, CJ. I first read the tale in whichever Power Comic it was published in - Smash, I think, in the '60s. I've also got the original FF Annual #3, acquired many years ago. And I restored the cover of the issue for the Marvel Masterworks edition that contained the tale.

  3. Great covers... Boo hiss Dr Doom haha..Marvel knew all about covers.. Worst cover worst comic was a DC one..Muhummad Ali vs Superman.I still shrivel up when I see it..

  4. I didn't mind that cover so much, LH. (I've got the deluxe edition.) I'd imagine that Neal Adams was told what to draw, so the idea didn't offer a lot of choices in the way it was composed. Yeah, but you're right - Marvel usually did better covers.

  5. It’s great they put these out. I feel a lot better reading these than getting out fifty five year old newsprint. It’s a strange feeling because I bought the FF annual in the 70s to read. Now it’s too valuable to touch and I have to read reprints. I’m ok with it because I don’t have to worry about them.

  6. Yeah, they're handy reading copies, but also nice little collectable items in their own right, PS. I'll be looking after mine, and it's lucky that I can read a comic without inflicting any signs of wear on it. I will occasionally dig out the originals I have, because there's something about the smell of the old paper which is a memory sensation in itself.

  7. Yeah, they were great value for money, OD. If only the reproduction quality had been consistent from page to page, they'd have been perfect.

  8. I've been loving these things. Despite owning the stories a few times over, getting them in these classic comic pamphlets has been great. Today in my store there are three more with the FF featuring the villains Dragon Man, Molecule Man, and the always awesome Super-Skrull. Can't wait.

    Rip Off

  9. That's the very ones I'm waiting for, RJ. Ordered them last week, so should be arriving shortly. In fact I'm waiting for 7 FFTBs in total, so there are more than just the 3 you mention.

  10. Haven't seen these locally, but that's Australia for you!, so I'll have to track some down and hopefully find somewhere with a sensible shipping rate!

    Love that Hulk v Thing cover by Big John Buscema - one of my all time faves. Even though I have the original issue I'd still like to check out the new incarnation.

  11. I have the original issue as well, PC, plus the one before it, but there's just something about seeing it again with perfect colour registration and ultra sharp reproduction that's a pleasure to the eyes. There surely must be a comics shop somewhere in Australia where you could mail order them from, no? Hopefully there is.


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