Saturday 15 December 2018


Image copyright MARVEL COMICS

I've always loved this cover, ever since I first saw it on UK weekly FANTASTIC #7 back in 1967.  Comparing the two, it looks like the version on Fantastic has been re-lettered and perhaps even been redrawn (or at least retouched a tad), because there are a few subtle differences between them.  You'll have to take my word for it though, as you're only getting the original this time round, seeing as I'm too lazy to search for the other image.  JACK KIRBY, brilliant artist though he was, often forgot certain details, and on this occasion he's left out IRON MAN's belt.  Just as well the joins in his armour are magnetised, otherwise his 'trousers' would collapse, being so heavy as they are.  Or is that just me being daft again?

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