Friday 9 November 2018


Copyright D.C. THOMSON & Co., Ltd

Much as I hate to admit it, there are some things I do not know.  The existence of this comic was one of them until a few moments ago, when I saw it on sale on eBay.  I don't know who the publisher was (though going by the type-set lettering on the strips, D.C. THOMSON is the most likely suspect) and there's not even a mention of it in the late DENIS GIFFORD's COMPLETE CATALOGUE OF BRITISH COMICS (which makes it incomplete), so I can't say how many issues there were or anything else about it.  If you bought this comic back in the day and can reveal any info behind its existence, please enlighten your fellow Criv-ites.  (It's clearly modelled after LOOK-IN, but that's about all I can contribute.)


  1. I renember TV Tops kid ran for quite a while i remember it mire as a pop orientated magazine there's quite a lot abotmut it online including lots of cover kilos DCT were indeed the publishers

  2. Strange, because I tried an Online search and nothing came up about it, PM. I don't ever recall seeing it in the shops though. Was it any good?

  3. I only had one issue which had Adam Ant on the cover wasn't a fan of Adam Ant but the accompanying comic strip was well drawn. I seem to recall it's was bland. Checked online it ran for 121 issues

  4. Can you give me the link? When I Google search the name, nothing comes up.

  5. Hope this works on my old phone which I picked up in error. It's on Comic Vibe and a few other places

  6. Thanks for that, PM, it works fine. Really looks like the Beeb mag from a couple or so years later. Funny how I never noticed its existence before. Maybe it wasn't 'comicky' enough to capture my attention.

  7. If I remember correctly, this also ran a ‘The Professionals’ comic strip, along with some mild swearing.

  8. In a D.C. Thomson comic? Must've been really mild swearing. The Professionals comic strip can be seen in one of the photos, GL.

  9. I used to collect it, the only cover I can remember is an Adam Ant one.

    Jones Johnson

  10. I still don't know how I missed it, JJ. If I ever did see it, I must've forgotten almost immediately.


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