Thursday 8 November 2018


Images copyright relevant owner

I showed the above cover a few posts back, but cop a gander at the interior page below.  Out of the five titles listed, four of them are combined issues, while TIGER is the only one which remains un-merged.  Nowadays, publishers would love to have even half the sales that these comics had back then, but at the time, the circulation wasn't considered high enough to continue the subsumed weeklies as individual titles.  Makes you think, eh?  


  1. Happy birthday, Kid - 60 today!! A milestone birthday indeed.

  2. Me? 60? Never, CJ. I'm only 14. Whatever possesses you?

  3. Yeah - all the best on reaching that milestone - stay young at heart and it's only a number, not a millstone! I'm almost 12 months ahead of you there so I can attest that nothing much changes. Business as usual in terms of the day to day with maybe just the hint of another wrinkle in that stranger's face looking back from the mirror. Like to know who stole mine!

  4. I'm certainly young at heart, PC. Now if only my body would follow my heart's example. Where the hell did the time go?

  5. Christopher Nevell8 November 2018 at 22:05

    Happy Birthday from the South Coast of England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 (well from me- you know what I mean)

  6. Thanks, CN (and everybody), but I'm not admitting to being old. In fact, I don't have birthdays because, that way, I can't get any older. Did you get the new Ken Reid Odhams set by any chance?

  7. Happy birthday Kid! Hope your had a great day!

  8. Not only do I not recognise birthdays, DS, I don't celebrate them - but thanks for the kind thoughts, very nice of you all.


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