Sunday 15 July 2018


Maybe it's not so warm today
as it's been, but it's not that cold.
There's surely got to be some other
reason for HEATHER GRAHAM's
'perkiness'.  (Though I don't want
you to think I'm complaining.)


  1. We live in an age of modern wonders.
    Sadly, that means one must consider silicon nipple appliques as a possibility. There are several companies manufacturing them these days, and even stores dedicated solely to their sales.
    So, if it wasn't the weather and neither of us was there...

  2. Ah, now I remember - I was standing just out of shot when the photo was taken.

  3. I would expect Jodie Whitacker to be your babe of the day.Got to be P.C these days.. I now read a black guy is her assistant..what next a gay couple.. Better not or me too wil be hanging you. I did not write this and I do not live here heh

  4. Nothing PC about me, LH.

  5. Some people still moaning about Jodie Whittaker...sigh. In my opinion she's the most interesting thing to happen to Dr. Who since Jon Pertwee changed into Tom Baker :)

  6. Interesting for all the wrong reasons though, CJ... in MY opinion. Just a shame Dr. Who can't regenerate into a more entertaining TV show.

  7. My apologies CJ if I hit a nerve ending but I am not making any observations about Jodie Whittaker personally just sounding off about the PC correctness which is scrambling society. It will get worse I am certain but unless a reaction to it is made it will continue ploughing its way on full steam. I do agree with kid totally Dr Who needs a shake up at the top.

  8. Ach, don't worry about CJ, LH, he just likes to have a moan from time-to-time. Ain't that right, CJ?


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