Monday 4 December 2017


My room/study/studio is in some disarray at the moment and I've been picking things up from the floor and placing them on the nearest available space to get them out of the way.  That sometimes leads to some strange and random scenarios, as this completely un-staged scene demonstrates - YOGI BEAR being surrounded by The DALEKS.  (Probably just want his autograph.)  Now that's an episode I'd watch. 


  1. I've long advocated a varying disarray for creative environments, for just the reason you indicate here. Those odd connections that one would likely never make intentionally which present themselves through accidental interaction.
    I find myself wanting to do a cyberman Yogi now.

  2. The same thing once happened with Peter Rabbit and some different Daleks in my other room. A 'fix' some may suspect, but as I've got hundreds of Daleks in all shapes and sizes, it's practically unavoidable that they'll intermingle with some other icon at some point in time. Yogi and The Daleks have been in that position for days, but I only just noticed the humour of the 'arrangement' 10 minutes before I decided to do the post.

  3. And if you recall, kid, you held a competition to come up with an amusing caption about Peter Rabbit and the daleks.

    In that spirit I think the daleks here are thinking " So this is the new Doctor ? Oh well, a bear is better than a woman".

  4. Or how about a bare woman, CJ? (H'mm, that works better phonetically, doesn't it?)


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