Monday 4 December 2017


It was 19 years ago last week that my dog ZARA had to be put to sleep and I'd meant to post a photo in memory of her.  Better late than never they say, so here's a nice pic of her in my front garden, taken in 1987 or '88 when she was still only a young doggie.  Ain't she braw?


  1. It's sad when a pet passes but nice when you have a photo of them as a memory to good times.

  2. Only got 3 photos of our first dog, LH, quite a number of our second (but mostly from when she was older), and loads and loads of our 3rd dog (Zara) from when she was a pup upwards - plus videos as well. Yeah, memories are nice.

  3. Dogs' lives are too short. Their only fault, really. - Agnes Turnbull

  4. Sadly, too true, TC. Not that them living longer would make it easier to part from them when the time comes.

  5. It's nice of you to share such an important photo and the memories it contains, Kid. The subject and comments speak volumes about how important our old loyal pets were to us. We never forget the unconditional friendship they gave us, however far back in time that was.

  6. It's a pleasure for me to share the photo, TK, because not only does it commemorate Zara, I know it'll remind people of their own dogs (and other pets) that once shared their lives. We shall remember them.


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