Saturday 30 December 2017


Images copyright relevant owner

With the arrival this morning of the 1973 LION & THUNDER Holiday Special, I now have the full set of three and can turn my sights to filling other gaps in my collection.  Truth to tell, I'm not even sure I had this Special back in the day - or if I was even still buying the weekly - as nothing about it (with the possible exception of the cover) seems familiar to me.  Still, I've now got the three Specials, the three THUNDER Annuals, and most of the 22 issues of the weekly comic before it was merged with LION.  (I plan on acquiring the few missing issues before too long.)

Never mind all that though - not when you can now settle back and enjoy a ZIP NOLAN tale and a MOWSER escapade.  Don't let me hold you back.


  1. Any chance of uploading the 'Adam Eterno' strip from the 1973 special? I have everything Eterno apart from that one elusive strip!

  2. Rebellion has a new Adam Eterno book reprinting his early adventures coming out shortly. If it sells, they'll do more, so it's a good idea to support them by buying the book. As for the strip you mention, I'll see what I can do - no promises.


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