Friday 1 December 2017


Following on from my recent post about the 1966 BATMOBILE, let's return to the Riverside Museum in Glasgow to take a look at a few more snaps.  First up is my pal, IAIN, posing in a re-creation of an old street.  I'll pretend that you're interested and explain the rest of them as we go along.  (Though be aware that some captions might not reflect reality.)

Iain posting a letter.  (It'll never get there)

The subway - not the eaterie

Caught on camera vandalising the carriage

"Hello, sailor - do you come here often?"

"I'm just ignoring you.  Now feck off or I'll tell your missus!"

Drowning his sorrows in the bar. 

Me - leaning on a lamppost at the corner of the street... 

And just to round things off, below is a couple of random snaps.  Right, that's yer lot.

Remember CHOPPERS?

Is that car taking off?


  1. Hmmm not a Reliant Robin. Is it a Peel?

  2. Dunno to be honest, PS. You tell me.

  3. Oh, dear. They had those chopper handlebars in the UK, too? I had thought that was a more localized madness.

    Your mate Iain looks like he'd fit right in with the beardos i've known around these parts. You could probably get in with him vouching and an old picture.

  4. Not just the handlebars, 3 - the rest of the bike too. Old picture? Will my avatar photo do? (I was only around 25 in that.)

  5. What an amazing place... Have they got a working B/W TV from the 60s.?

  6. Wouldn't surprise me, LH, but I couldn't say for sure. We didn't linger - just went in to see the Batmobile, and we had to go through the street on the way in and out. The Chopper and the other car were near to the BM.

  7. You didn't linger!!! I would have stayed for the day

  8. Well, because it was a last-moment decision to go in that afternoon, we hadn't really planned for it and Iain had things to do before picking his wife up from work at 6. Maybe we'll go another time.


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