Sunday 24 December 2017


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Originally published in the EAGLE Annual for 1955, this Christmas DAN DARE tale should give you a taste of just what Festive fare was served up to Eagle readers at Yuletide time back when your grandfather was a kid - unless, of course, you're old enough to have read it yourself back then.  To be honest, I think Dan belongs in the fifties - there was something about the tales that suited then-recent post-war Britain, and none of the attempts at updating him have ever achieved his original popularity, either proving uninteresting to contemporary kids, or not the 'real' Dan Dare to older readers.  Anyway, enjoy it for what it is, and a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all Criv-ites.

I may still be posting over the holiday period, but no promises - too many mince pies and fizzy pop beckon, so we'll see how I feel. 


  1. No plum pudding for me but at 3pm I'll be tuning into Radio 4's Nine Lessons & Carols with a large pork pie, some Lebkuchen cakes, some shortbread and a glass of 'Famous Grouse' whiskey :)

  2. Tried the Greggs' mince pies, CJ - very nice.


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