Sunday 24 December 2017


Images copyright relevant owner

Well, I did say that there'd be more Christmas images soon, Criv-ite chums, so - having shown the first Christmas EAGLE several days back, I thought it would be nice to show the second Festive edition from 1951 - and here it is.  The cover just reeks of Yuletide atmosphere, doesn't it?  As revealed here on a previous post, Eagle's DAN DARE was not the first hero of that name to grace a comic - no, that honour belonged to a private detective in WHIZ COMICS #2 (which introduced the original CAPTAIN MARVEL) in 1939/'40.  However, he's long-forgotten, while our Daniel continues to be fondly remembered to this present day.

Like I said last time, more Christmas images soon - keep an eye out for them.


  1. Merry Christmas, Kid, and to all the readers of Crivens!

    The 1974 Likely Lads Xmas special is on BBC 4 tonight at 8.15 so no need to dig out that DVD box-set, Kid.

  2. And same to you, CJ. I'll be watching the LL Xmas Special tonight then. Superb stuff.


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