Sunday 17 December 2017


VALENTINA KRYP is a Cosplayer
with a huge fan-following on the Internet.
She's debuting as a 'babe of the day' in more
simple attire, but we'll see her in one of her
Cosplay outfits before very long.  (And in
full-colour too.)  Can't wait, eh?


-3- said...

That's not cosplay?
I want to know where she goes to school.

If Hara Mikie or someone gets a feature page soon, it's entirely your fault.

Kid said...

Maybe it IS Cosplay, I dunno. However, it's not a school outfit as I wouldn't have published it (nor would I have it) if I'd thought it was. (Surely females don't go to school dressed like that, even in our liberal times?) I'm assured she's a grown woman, 3, and that's the only kind that will ever appear here. (Don't panic - I know you were joking about the 'school' crack.)

-3- said...

Actual school girls? No.
But if you do a search for "sexy schoolgirl costume" you'll find a lot of things that look like they came from the same collection. Between Catholic School Girls and Anime School Girls, it's a pretty popular fetish these days.

Yes, fully grown.
Must be a remedial institution.

Kid said...

I must've lived a sheltered life, 'cos I'm a bit surprised by that. Never been a uniform type of person myself, not even with nurses outfits. (Gasp, maybe there's something wrong with me?!) Think I'll stay away from those sort of sites though. I do these posts just as 'fillers' really, and for a bit of fun. My main interest in women these days is in getting them to bring me a cup of tea and a biscuit - I'm too decrepit for anything else.

-3- said...

If you're surprised by that, i suspect you are unfamiliar with Rule 34: "If it exists, there is porn of it – no exceptions"

However, sir - you are making a grievous error. Not for nothing is Claudia a massage therapist. A good rub down is worth far more than it was when we were younger.

Kid said...

Yup, Rule 34 is a surprise as well, never heard of it before. And yet, having learned of it, I don't doubt it's probably true, which is kind of a shame in a way. I'd like to believe that there are many exceptions. Now, who's this Claudia?

-3- said...

Ah. The previously mentioned lady i love. I generally avoid using names because i haven't asked people if i may do so. Eventually they do seem to drop though, eh?

Kid said...

If she looks half as sexy as her name sounds, then you should marry her right away. Get on that 'plane (or boat or whatever).

-3- said...

I send photos of how sexy she is, but you don't have the proper warnings on your blog.
But, yeah - i agree. I think the first "Claudia" i encountered was Claudia Jennings, and they've all been sexy since. My Claudia is a sun worshiping Florida Blonde, just to be stereotypical about it.

Kid said...

I knew there was a reason I didn't like you. How come sun-worshipping Florida Blondes don't go for me? (Probably because there's no sun in Scotland.)

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