Sunday 19 November 2017


Remember me telling you about this issue of TV21 #2 on sale on eBay for £75?  (It has a quarter of the back cover missing.)  Well, the seller has now upped his asking price to £195 - still claiming not to know its true value.  I think it's a safe bet he knows exactly what it's worth - which makes him either a total chancer and perhaps even a crook.  What do you think, readers?

(Update: I've just noticed that he's got the exact same issue listed twice - at two different prices.  £74 in one listing, £195 in the other.  When I say the same issue, I mean he's only got one copy to sell, not two.  What a total chancer.  Meanwhile, another seller is currently offering a slightly (very slightly) better-condition copy (with a coupon missing) for £27.00.  At least the second seller is being a tad more realistic.


  1. He is how you described kid. Just look at his other auctions he should look at how the experts do it where they are graded and priced properly, then the market decides for instance that terrible copy should be starting at 0.99 pence then it should find it's true price. I do not believe that anyone would pay the prices he is asking all you have to do is check past auction results from the people that put time and effort into selling comics. This seller is a bad example for the industry. I do not begrudge anyone trying to make money but not by ripping people off.


  2. I agree, T, but astoundingly, he doesn't yet have any negative or neutral feedback. I can't understand how such a thing is possible - unless, of course, nobody buys his overpriced items to begin with.


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