Wednesday 8 November 2017


After showing this great cover image of NICHELLE NICHOLS a couple of posts back, I thought some of you pantin' Criv-ites might like to read the actual article contained within - so here it is.  Click on each image to enlarge, then click again for optimum size (though you'll still need a good eyesight).  Just think - this mag was published 50 years ago - wow! 


  1. Ebony was a niche magazine. I only knew of it because once when I was a teen on a long flight ( before the computer revolution) I searched the magazines for something to read. All they had was Ebony. That’s when you realized there was a parallel America. Same ads but with black models. It’s a lot better now, but with increased crossover and integration, magazines like Ebony are under pressure because the same articles get published in mainstream websites and magazines. This sort of article would now be published everywhere as general sci fi interest.

  2. I think this is the only issue of Ebony I know of, PS. I'm not sure if it was available in Britain or not. Yeah, the article wouldn't seem out of place in magazines like Starburst.


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