Wednesday 8 November 2017


Here's DAVROS, flanked by DELBERT and DARRYL.  Three DALEKS for the price of one - generosity is my middle name!  There  should've been six, but DONALD was out exterminating somewhere, and DEREK and DAVID were away doing the weekly shopping.


  1. Damn. It was driving me crazy trying to think of where i just saw this pic.
    OH! I was your fault! You sent me hunting for Beeb! and that pic was in the first issue i tracked down. Good pic - i had thought of using it, maybe with some material from old Dalek annuals.

    Anyway - we found Donald over here... still exterminating.

  2. Which Dalek Annuals do you have, 3? I've got the first '60s one and the four '70s ones, but I've also got the other two '60s books on my computer, as I scanned them from a friend's books. The artwork in the '60s books is better than the '70s successors.

  3. I've got the 1976-77-78 Annuals and the 1966 Dalek Outer Space Book.
    Hmm... Thinking about that 2-page spread on the Dalesub from the '66 book. I see a new blog post forming up.

  4. I'll be looking forward to it.

  5. Oops - missed one. The 1979 Dalek Annual was sitting in a different pile.
    Yes.... soon Daleks.

  6. Good to know you've got all four '70s editions. One of them at least has reprints of some of the back page Daleks strips from TV21, printed from the original art.


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