Saturday 18 November 2017


our babe today.  It's fitting she appeared
in STAR TREK as she has a 'heavenly
body'.  (Winner of most obvious pun
of the year award, but I ain't fussy.)


-3- said...

That Heavenly Body certainly sent me Beyond Antares.
Bettie Page first taught me about sex, but Nichelle Nichols was the one who triggered an awareness of breasts in a growing boy. Watching her reach for the comm and realizing that her breasts extended almost to her elbow...
Yeah, i got pretty jealous of Kirk in Plato's Stepchildren. And, of course, was all hot for her Mirror Universe uniform.
Mix that with her voice and her being in a science department role (I like 'em brainy, what can i say?) and she was easily one of the biggest sex symbols of the time for me.
And that time lingers on.

Kid said...

While I, of course, was mainly attracted to her personality and her mind. (What a nice guy am I.)

-3- said...

I required mind and personality, even back then. (Yeah, i didn't date much) But we didn't get to see nearly enough of the lady on that front. Remember, she was so marginalized for a long time that she seriously contemplated quitting the show.
So i focus on what we got.
Happily, as time went on we got to see what Nichelle's, not Uhura's, personality was like and her appeal grew commensurately.

But, i still like Uhura, too.

Kid said...

I was lying of course. My attraction to her was purely physical. No shame in that. I'm sure she'd have felt the same about me, macho manly-man that I am.

Lionel Hancock said...

I liked the blonde yeoman who vanished after 10 episodes..

Kid said...

Yeoman Janice Rand, played by Grace Lee Whitney. She's on the blog somewhere as a 'babe'.

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