Saturday 11 November 2017


"Mr. SCOTT, the transporter's
on the blink again!  It's beamed down
my uniform to the planet STARFAX
5Z and left me behind!  Help!"


-3- said...

"On the blink"

("Scotty, what the hell happened?"
"I'm sorry, Captain. I dinna know she wore silk underneath! It's organic from wee worms, you see, and we only beamed down the non-organic material.")

Kid said...

Could be what happened, 3 - but how do you explain her boots?

-3- said...

The boots are obviously composed of a non-organic material, likely a polymer of some sort.
At first you had me thinking that Nichelle was wearing boots in the posted pic. I could very easily believe she'd distract me from ever noticing if she had been.

Kid said...

Nah, they were definitely leather - she told me herself.

Joe S. Walker said...

Actually there ARE pictures of a pre-Star Trek Nichelle Nichols modelling what would now be called fetish wear.

Kid said...

One word, Joe - where?

-3- said...

And, just like that i'm now a fan of boots.
Thanks for the tip, Joe!

Kid said...

Yeah, I looked them up too. I've also got some topless shots of her that I've had for ages, but they're a bit too bold for the blog.

-3- said...

Well, perhaps an upcoming Blue Monday feature over at my place. Retired hermits have considerably less pressure on what is acceptable for their blogs.

Kid said...

I'll see you (and her) over there then.

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