Saturday 30 September 2017


Cover copyright MARVEL COMICS

I've already celebrated the 45th Anniversary of The MIGHTY WORLD Of MARVEL #1 in a recent post (here), but it would be remiss of me not to allude to it again on the actual date - which is today.  Saturday, September 30th 1972 is when this iconic issue first hit the shelves all those many years ago - wow!

Above, is a picture taken a few days back of the cover of this actual ish, which has adorned my bedroom wall for many a long year, but was unfortunately looking a little the worse for wear.  (I once had 5 copies of #1 - took the cover off one to put on the wall, gave one to a pal, still got 3 left.)

So I dug out one of my remaining copies, scanned and printed the cover, and that's the result below - replacing the time-worn one above.  I'll give the old one a 'Viking funeral' later and be sad to see it go, but the room needs freshened up and this is really the only way to do it and retain the look I've been familiar with for close on 30 years.

Whaddya say, frantic ones?  Does it work for you?


  1. It doesn't matter how many times I see that cover, I linger over it. The start of Marvel UK, although it would be just under a year before I jumped on board with Avengers 1.

  2. I think it's one of the best Marvel UK covers ever, CN, and as far as I know, the only cover that Big John Buscema drew for the British mags - unless he drew any for Captain Britain.

  3. I always wondered about the fill in pages. You could tell when they got a replacement artist to do a splash page. It was really obvious when they reprinted the Steranko stuff. What a thankless task. Hey just imitate Steranko. No big deal.

  4. If the fill-in artists were trying to imitate Steranko, PS, they failed. I doubt some of them even tried.

  5. Looks nice. I spy a Christmas card at the bottom of the photo. I once received a Christmas card in September from a woman who was a bit over-enthusiastic about the festive season !

  6. How did you even notice that Christmas card with such a tasty looking bit of tottie off to the left of it, CJ?


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