Thursday 28 September 2017


Talking of JAMES BOND (well, someone's bound to be, somewhere), I thought I'd show you my CORGI TOYS ASTON MARTIN D.B.5 (270), which was first issued in 1968.  This version was the correct silver birch colour and had extra features to complement those of the original 1965 gold coloured edition (which was actually a modified D.B.4 and a smaller scale).

I bought my original car from R.S. McCOLL's in 1973, a day or so before going on holiday to Blackpool for a fortnight and, if memory serves, I got it on the same day I saw LIVE & LET DIE in my local cinema (or not too far-removed from that day).  I took it to Blackpool with me, but I dismantled in on the coach down (it had a loose rivet), and I don't think I ever managed to reassemble it, though I kept all the bits for a while after I'd returned home.  This is a replacement I bought many years back.

I've shown the car before, but this time it's accompanied by its packaging and accessories, just to give you a fuller picture.  Whaddya think - a beauty or what?


  1. Yes a real beauty...

  2. Yeah, but that's enough about ME - what about the car?!

  3. Yeah the cars pretty good

  4. It's a little belter, LH. I love it.


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