Wednesday 20 September 2017


You little beauty!  This is the gold-coloured JAMES BOND ASTON MARTIN D.B.5 50th Anniversary reissue by CORGI, which is going for astronomical asking prices on eBay at the moment.  Luckily, I managed to get mine for a modest amount, and it now joins its silver companion alongside the original '60s models in my vast and diverse collection.  This is a vastly improved version compared to the mid-'90s reissues, which, frankly, were substandard in so many ways (and yes, I have them too).

However, there are three improvements that Corgi should institute on this car for any future releases.  The first is to make the vent outline touch the windscreen edge of the bonnet (as it did on the '60s & '70s toys), instead of disappearing before it gets there. The second is to make the baddie a lighter shade of blue as he was originally, and the third is to reshape the ends of the over-riders, which are too 'squarish' and not as they should be.  There are one or two other minor things that could do with a bit of tinkering, but if they fix these three, the model will come a little closer to matching the magnificence of its earliest incarnations.

Were (are) you a fan of Corgi's James Bond Aston Martin D.B.5?  Then share your childhood memories of the toy in our comments section, before they recede beyond your ability to recall.


(Update: It may interest you to learn that the Corgi Model Club have now reissued the original 1965 version of the car in a replica box and it's far superior to the one above, which is really the slightly larger 1968 release posing as its predecessor.) 


  1. I shall get myself one too as a early Christmas present to myself...

  2. You won't find a gold one in the shops, LH, it'll have to be eBay.

  3. Kid, did you hear the documentary about Wind In The Willows on Radio 4 last Tuesday (September 19th) at 11.30am ? I didn't but I might download it from iplayer to my tablet (haven't decided yet). Talking of 50th anniversaries - Radio 1,2,3 and 4 are all 50 years old on September 30th !

  4. Didn't hear it, CJ, though if it was a repeat, I might've heard it before. I'll check it out on iplayer anyway. As for September 30th, that's when MWOM #1 hits 40.

  5. Yes, the WITW documentary is a repeat - and you mean MWOM #1 hits 45 on September 30th :)

  6. Yes, I do mean that - which is why I said so in my recent 45th Anniversary post on MWOM. However, I'd just consigned a post about the 40th Anniversary of The Complete Fantastic Four to my drafts file (I do sometimes plan posts well in advance), so the number 40 was still in my head. (Or maybe I typed that previous response 5 years ago, but it just showed up yesterday. Yes, I anticipated your previous comment 5 years in advance.)


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