Tuesday 15 August 2017


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

JACK KIRBY, bless his little cotton socks, wasn't entirely consistent from page-to-page (or even panel-to-panel) when drawing the spectacular comicbooks for which he's so justly famed.  Now and again, a little visual error would creep into his pulsating panels, and that fact is what this little series of mine is based on.

Today's entry concerns FANTASTIC FOUR #8, wherein the cosmic quartet battle The PUPPET MASTER.  Foiling a jail break, The THING swings into action, and although he's hitherto been barefoot throughout the story (except when he's in his civvies), in the last panel of page 18, he suddenly sprouts a pair of boots.  The colourist has rendered them orange in order to disguise them, and they disappear again on the next page (below), but there's no denying that Jack slipped up here.

A trivial 'KOCK-UP' to be sure, but if I didn't point it out, this blog would have nothing to offer you at this precise moment.  And you Crivvies wouldn't want that, would you?


  1. I don't think the inconsistencies in that story can be put down solely to Kirby, since it was apparently heavily reworked in production.

  2. Well, inker Dick Ayers should've spotted and corrected it, JSW, but that's the way Jack drew it so he cops the blame. (And besides, I don't want to have to come up with a new title for the series.)


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