Tuesday 15 August 2017


Copyright relevant owner

Let me ask you something.  Are you a JIM REEVES fan?  No?  Then what the hell's wrong with you, Melvin?  Get with the programme.  One of the top ten best-selling singers of all time, with a voice like velvet, his albums are still being issued today, 53 years after he died in a 'plane crash.  Only a few short years ago, his 'Best Of' album was number 7 in the British charts.  If you are a fan, then you know all that already, but what you may not know is that BGO Records have reissued eight albums on two sets of double CDs.  If you buy them in HMV, they'll cost you £12.99 each - but if you order them direct from BGO, they only cost £9.99 each - post free.

If you've got a few gaps in your JR album collection, then now's the time to fill them.  You can visit the BGO site by simply clicking on this link which I've very thoughtfully provided for you: www.bgo-records.com - and it's not just Jim's albums they sell, but also a variety of other artists as well.  Pay it a visit today.


  1. You could also have mentioned that his 1966 UK #1 "Distant Drums" was a posthumous chart-topper which succeeded on its' own merit, not merely because the singer had just died - a rare feat.

  2. What's more, it kept The Beatles out of the Number One spot and was voted song of the year - making Jim the first American singer ever to achieve that accolade. Also, it was only a demo (which was overdubbed for commercial release) for the song's composer (Cindy Walker, who wrote it specifically for Jim) and, according to Leo Jackson, one of Jim's backing band (The Blue Boys), would never have been issued if Jim had still been alive. He'd have sung it in a more polished fashion in a proper recording session. Before Jim's version was released, Roy Orbison had a crack at recording it (it was a B side on one of his records), but it failed to make an impression.

  3. Something too late for your Xmas list (this year)...


  4. Ta much, IM - I'll be ordering that very soon.


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