Friday 7 July 2017


I'm sure that all Criv-ites would like to pass on their condolences to STAN LEE and his family, on the sad death of Stan's beloved wife JOAN.  British-born Joan was a model when she and Stan met, and it's believed that Stan came up with The FANTASTIC FOUR in response to Joan's suggestion that he write comics the way he'd like to see them written.  The rest, as they say, is history.


  1. Oh that is very sad news they were together longer than I have been alive and by all accounts they had a wonderful and long life together - I read that Joan was the inspiration for my favourite Marvel (non hero) character, Gwen Stacey.

  2. And yet, you'd have thought that with Mary Jane being a model, she'd have been the character based on Stan's wife, not Gwen. Yes, must be a very sad day for Stan, PM, but I'm sure the comics community's thoughts are with him.

  3. I totally agree - No matter their age (93) and the fact they had so much time together it cant be any consolation when someone passes on, they'll have been the same person in many ways - its beyond heartbreaking for anyone of course but at that age it must be devastating.

  4. I just hope Stan finds the strength to keep going. Sometimes, older people sort of give up when their partner dies, so let's hope that it isn't the case here. Of course, Stan's a superhero, so hopefully he'll be around for a good long while yet.

  5. My father died in September 1999 and just a few weeks later my mother said "I love my new life !" (she wasn't very grief-stricken). But RIP Joan - your wise words led to the birth of Marvel comics !

  6. Oo-er - I think you might be inadvertently revealing a bit too much info about the nature of your parents' relationship, CJ. You make your mother sound as if she was relieved to be out of her 'old' life. (I'm sure she wasn't though. Did you read the story about George & Elsie a few posts back?)

  7. Sad day for Stan.

    In that photo you have posted,
    Joan looks like wonder woman.
    Check the cover of Sensation Comic number 1.

  8. Kid, I can assure you that my mother WAS glad to be out of her old life - my parents were nothing like George & Elsie !

  9. Oh, poor old Stan, this will really knock the stuffing out of him. I know he has done well to make it thus far and for many years I have been dreading hearing certain sad news. Let us hope that his loss doesn't bring that day forward. He has given so much joy to the whole planet, let us hope that the universal love for him gives him the necessary strength to get through these painful times.
    Stan, you're the MAN!

  10. I'm sure that Joan WAS Wonder Woman to Stan, Baab. I've got a reprint of Sensation Comics #1, and you're right about the resemblance.


    So no Yogi Bear ornament in her display cabinet then, eh, CJ?


    I'm sure all true Marvelites will echo your sentiments, JP.

  11. Not only is it sad for Stan one must remember she was the one who encouraged him to break the rules which led to the Marvel style of comics.

  12. Indeed, PS, and that's exactly why I mentioned it in the post. :)

  13. Such sad news, hope Stan and family find some comfort in knowing how many people are thinking of them right now.

  14. Yes indeed, DS. Of course, it's highly unlikely that Stan reads this blog (or has ever heard of it), but I'm sure both he and his family will know that every decent person's thoughts are with them at this very sad time.


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