Friday 7 July 2017


Apparently, this DALEK bubble bath from 1976 is regarded as quite collectable and can fetch a tidy sum in Dr. WHO circles.  A friend saw it in a charity shop for £1 and bought it for me.  A nice addition to my Dalek ranks, eh?


  1. A nice acquisition for a mere quid! ALL Dalek memorabilia is highly collectible, but my heart lies with the sixties and seventies stuff!

  2. Being an honest man (contrary to the scurrilous insinuations of some), I told him that it might be worth a few quid and that perhaps he should hang onto it, JP, but he wasn't bothered as he knows I'd never sell it anyway. He also got me a Dapol reissue of a Marx friction-drive Dalek, and the two of them are currently sitting side-by-side on my sideboard (which is rather apt when you think about it).

  3. Superb find by your mate that Kid. Oddly enough I found one at a car boot sale about 20 years ago and gave it Chris Avis, a friend who was busily finding me Project SWORD toys daan saaf! I had thought it was the one on the Skaro Toy Museum but I didn't find a box with mine

    The idea of Dalek's being involved in bubble bathing always amused me. I can here them now: EXFOLIATE! EXFOLIATE! hee hee.

    Having been to countless car boots in the Nineties I never actually found much Dr.Who stuff except books.

  4. Thing is, Woodsy, I remember turning my nose up at this Dalek when I first saw it in Boots back in the '70s, 'cos I thought it didn't look like it ought to. Funny how 40 years can change your mind, eh? I'm glad to have it now, and even though I don't have the box, I have pictures of it, so know what it looks like. Have to confess I've never been to a car boot sale in my life - maybe one day.


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