Wednesday 7 June 2017


Copyright DC COMICS

Wow!  It's been a whole five months since the previous post in this series.  Just where does the time go?  Anyway, here we are with numbers 13 & 14 of SECRET ORIGINS from too many years ago, leaving 'only' 36 issues still to go.

To be honest, a lot of the art in these stories is somewhat bland, and it gives me a renewed appreciation for just what a talented visual storyteller JACK KIRBY was in his prime.  The artwork in this series of mags is always professional, but rarely rises above a competent level and is, for the most part, uninspired and nothing to shout about.

However, I've started so I'll finish - just so long as you Criv-ites want me to continue. Do you remember any of these comics from back in the day?  If so, then feel free to share any reminiscences about them in our ever-lovin' (but recently neglected) comments section.


  1. Yeah like a lot of 70's and 80's comic art, nice , serviceable and OK to but the comics used for reading copies but no magic there.

  2. The mystery of the missing magic, eh? Sounds like a cue for a great artist to step into the breach.

  3. Yeah, sorry I've been neglecting your comments for a few days, Kidda, I keep falling behind and having to catch up!
    Anyways, it might have been 5 months, but the post was worth waiting for!

  4. As are my readers' comments, JP.


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