Wednesday 7 June 2017


Image copyright MARVEL COMICS

I may have the original MARVEL mag featuring this cover (too lazy to check), but as I first encountered this tale in FANTASTIC #64, that's the cover you're getting, Criv-ite chums.  May 1968, eh?  It only seems like a few weeks ago to me at the most.  Time flies when you're having fun.  (Or thrown the clock out the window.)


  1. I first read that story in the 1974 Thor Treasury Edition which I bought on holiday at the seaside in August 1977 (same week that Elvis died) and I bought the 1975 Conan Treasury Edition at the same time. Lucky for me that those two old Treasury Editions were still on sale in 1977 !

  2. Back then, seaside towns always seemed to have brand-new 'old' mags in stock for years. In 1974, some Blackpool shops were still selling Kirby FFs and Buscema Surfers. I've got that '74 Thor TE, a replacement I bought in the late '70s, early '80s. I'd bought it when it first came out, but never kept it.

  3. Yup, it was a great cover, as it was for Thor's own comic! But, THIS is where I first read this epic scrap, an equal to his scrap with the Hulk!
    Those Marvel fights were bloody good in the sixties!

  4. I first read that scrap with The Hulk in the 1969 Fantastic Annual, if I recall correctly. I've got all three Annuals, so I'll check when I get a chance.


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