Friday 19 May 2017


Remember LYONS MAID ZOOM ice lollies?  Below are a few TV
ads to remind all you ancient fogies out there of your childhoods.


  1. Great stuff, Kid!
    Can we have CJ's Space 1999 lolly next please?

  2. Well, maybe if you're really good.

  3. I just googled the Space 1999 lolly and there's a link to a YouTube clip of the original TV advert. The lolly was green with a red jelly centre like the Dracula lolly. And Zoom was lovely too.

  4. I noticed the ad earlier, CJ, but didn't want to include it with the Zoom ones. Might post it at some future date 'though.

  5. And, of course, there was the one on the back of Fantastic, which eludes me at the moment, but I will come across in due course.
    Anyway, I remembered last night that when we lived in the Midlands, there was a dairy called Midlands' Counties, that used to do a kind of frozen milk shake lolly, called "Kreemy Bars" ( later changed to "Big K". There was a choice of two colours, pink or yellow, and I used to LOVE them! I can remember now, running around the corner shop from my Granny's on a hot summer's afternoon to get one!

  6. Don't think I've ever heard of them, JP, so I suppose they were restricted to the Midlands and surrounding areas perhaps?

    1. Yeah, Lyons Maid bought them out in the end, but didn't keep the lollies. It would seem that only one other person on the internet remembers them!
      Now then, not a frozen lolly, but a hard lollipop, - do you remember traffic lights lollies?

    2. I also remember Midland counties and their creamy ice lollipops. I also think that our milk was delivered by them do you remember that JP

    3. Yes, I remember they did have a milkman, but my Mother had ours delivered by the Co-op for the " divvy" ( number 85538! )

    4. Thanks for that JP it was co op or Midland Counties for your milk in the 60,s Midland,s appreciate the memory jog

  7. Talking of buy-outs, Cadbury's bought out Jamesons and changed their Raspberry Ruffle bars from plain chocolate to milk chocolate - then discontinued them. (They'd replaced Jamesons' name on the wrapper with Cadbury's.) Another company revived them several years later, even keeping the Jamesons name on them. Makes you wonder why a company would buy a popular brand and then cancel them.

    1. It's almost as absurd as buying Marvelman after a long, drawn-out, legal battle and then changing it back to Miracleman again, eh?

  8. Yup, that's a good analogy, JP.


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